
JHL Constructors Recognized as One of 2024’s Best Places to Work by Denver Business Journal

Englewood, CO – JHL Constructors has been named one of 2024’s Best Places to Work in Colorado by the Denver Business Journal, marking its 5th time receiving the honor. The award celebrates companies in the Denver Metro area that provide a top-tier workplace and is awarded after receiving employee feedback via an engagement survey.

“Since our establishment in 1987, it’s been our mission to foster a workplace where every individual feels supported, valued, and inspired to stay until retirement,” stated Ben Stellor, President and CEO of JHL. “Over the past 37+ years, our commitment to this vision has only strengthened. We’ve recently celebrated numerous milestone anniversaries, ranging from 5 to an impressive 32 years, a testament to the unwavering loyalty and dedication of our team members.”

Evaluation for the award was exclusively based on responses from the Best Places to Work Survey, completed by employees, covering various aspects such as team dynamics, trust in leadership, communication, and more.

“We value the uniqueness of our culture at JHL. We are dedicated to cultivating and nurturing the best talent in the industry, further strengthening our workplace environment,” continued Stellor. “This recognition reaffirms that our culture is truly engrained in the fabric of our organization. We are immensely proud to be recognized as a Best Place to Work.”
